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Animals That Lay Eggs

Animals That Lay Eggs

Birds, Reptiles, and Amphibians

Many animals lay eggs as a means of reproduction. These animals include birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Birds lay eggs with hard shells that protect the developing embryo inside. Reptiles and amphibians lay eggs with softer shells that are often covered in a jelly-like substance. The eggs of most birds and reptiles are laid in a nest, while the eggs of amphibians are often laid in water.


There are also many invertebrates that lay eggs. These include insects, spiders, and mollusks. The eggs of invertebrates are typically very small and are often laid in large numbers. The eggs of insects are often laid on the leaves of plants, while the eggs of spiders are often laid in a silken web. The eggs of mollusks are often laid in the water.


There are only two mammals that lay eggs: the platypus and the echidna. Both of these animals are found in Australia. The platypus lays its eggs in a burrow, while the echidna lays its eggs in a pouch on its belly.

Why Do Animals Lay Eggs?

There are several reasons why animals lay eggs. One reason is that eggs provide protection for the developing embryo. The hard shell of a bird's egg helps to protect the embryo from predators and the elements. The jelly-like substance that coats the eggs of amphibians and reptiles also helps to protect the embryo from drying out.

Another reason why animals lay eggs is that it allows them to reproduce in a variety of habitats. Birds can lay their eggs in trees, shrubs, or on the ground. Reptiles and amphibians can lay their eggs in water, on land, or in burrows. This allows these animals to live in a wide range of habitats.

Finally, laying eggs allows animals to reproduce quickly and easily. A female bird can lay several eggs in a single day, and a female amphibian can lay hundreds of eggs in a single season. This helps to ensure that the species will survive even if some of the eggs are lost.
