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Animals That Hop Pictures

17 Animals That Jump and Hop: A to Z List


Animals that jump and hop come in all shapes and sizes. From the tiny flea to the massive kangaroo, these animals use their jumping and hopping abilities to escape predators, catch prey, and navigate their environment.

Meet the Hoppers

* **Bharal:** The bharal is a goat-antelope that lives in the Himalayan Mountains. It is an agile jumper, able to leap over large boulders and cliffs. * **Cricket:** Crickets have powerful hind legs that allow them to jump several times their body length. * **Flea:** Fleas are small, wingless insects that can jump up to 100 times their body length. * **Frog:** Frogs use their strong hind legs to jump and hop around. * **Grasshopper:** Grasshoppers have long, springy legs that they use to jump and propel themselves through the air. * **Kangaroo:** Kangaroos are the largest hopping animals in the world. They can leap up to 3 meters in a single bound. * **Locust:** Locusts are a type of grasshopper that can swarm in large numbers and cause extensive damage to crops. * **Mouse:** Mice are small rodents that can jump and hop to escape predators. * **Rabbit:** Rabbits are social animals that live in groups called colonies. They are adept at jumping and hopping to escape danger. * **Squirrel:** Squirrels are agile climbers and jumpers that use their tails for balance. * **Toad:** Toads are amphibians that have powerful hind legs that they use to jump and hop. * **Tree frog:** Tree frogs are small frogs that live in trees and use their long legs to jump from branch to branch. * **Wallaby:** Wallabies are small kangaroos that are native to Australia. They are fast and agile jumpers. * **Zebra:** Zebras are large equines that can jump and kick to defend themselves from predators.


Animals that jump and hop are a diverse and fascinating group of creatures. Their jumping and hopping abilities allow them to survive and thrive in a variety of habitats around the world. From the tiny flea to the massive kangaroo, these animals leave a lasting impression with their remarkable agility.
